Browse Folders (1494 total)

Includes "125 Years on the Waterfront," "At Our House," "They Followed the Stars," "Big Time Hide-and-Seek"

Rating: No Rated

Includes "To New York via the Azores," "A Tale of Two Bibles," "A Passing Friend," "Talking It Up Below," "Matchstick Ships in Sawdust Seas," "At Our House"

Rating: No Rated

Includes "They Came - They Saw Institutes OPEN HOUSE Attracts Many Visitors," "A Christmas Light for the Sailor," "California's Treasure Vault," "I Will Set His Dominion Also in the Sea"

Rating: No Rated

Includes "Highlights from the Log of the SCI 1834 - 1959," "Growing Pleasures"

Rating: No Rated

Rating: No Rated

Includes "SCI Host to Training Crew," "Special Blessing Poses Problem," "Admiral Nimitz Praises U.S.-Japanese Friendship," "Chinese Junk Weathers Storm," "Parrots: The Sailors' Pet"

Rating: No Rated

Includes "Head of British Missions to Seamen Visits New York," "Women's Council Working to Break Last Year's Record," "A Portrait of Christmas Ashore at 25 South Street," "When Christmas Trees Took to the Seas," "Under The Charley Noble"

Rating: No Rated

Includes "My Favorite Port" by Wilbur L. Motta, "Middle Watch"

Rating: No Rated

Includes "Reaching Out to Port Newark," Three Summers Before the Mast," "Prompt Action Wins Sea Award"

Rating: No Rated

Includes "Welcome Aboard," "Reaching Out to Port Newark," "S.C.I. Answers A Need"

Rating: No Rated