Includes "Santa's Seabags Packed", "Canadian Visitors", "Trouble on Oiled Waters" by Faye Hammel, "25 South Street, New York 4, N.Y.: The Home Address for Thousands of Seafarers" and "Gift from the Storm" by James Frost
Includes "The Maritime College Training Cruise" by Cadm. Gordon Geist, "From Barge to Pier: New Dock Climbs Out of Water On Its Own Legs", "The Railroad Fleet: Where the Tracks End, the Car Floats Take Over" by Faye Hammel and "Gift Shop Opened"
Includes "A Summing Up", "Nantucket Battered", "Contest Winners", "It Happened This Month", "99 44/100% Plastic, It Floats" and "My Toughest Voyage" by George W. Clark
Includes "The Growing Fleet: Ship Models Come from Chiefs of State", "My Toughest Voyage" by James W. Pearson, "The Purser Knows All the Answers" by Doug Anderson, "The Breeches Buoy" and "Adopt a Ship"
Includes "At the Philadelphia Convention: New Ideas Put Forward", "In the Grant Manner" by Tom Baab, "On These Warm Days...Consider the Iceberg" by Tom Baab, "Doria's Sister" and "Singing for Fun"
Includes "To China for Tea" by Mae Stoke, "The Helicopter Patrol: Our Coast Guard Rises for a Better Look", "The Matchmakers: A Glimpse into the Ritual of Ship Brokerage" by Richard F. Shepard, "Up From the Deep" and "South Street Becomes a…
Includes "A Look Abroad", "Fish for Sale: A Million Pounds a Day at the Fulton Market" by Mae Stoke, "Youth and Old Age" and "Just for Luck" by Tom Baab