Includes "What They Ask 'Following' the Sea", "The Cheeriness of Michael", "President Elected: Edmund Lincoln Baylies", "Seamen's Bedrooms All Taken" and "Battle Between the 'Hornet' and the 'Penguin': Extracts from the Diary of Captain William…
Includes "What Really Happens", "The Fitting out of Thomas", "Officers' Rooms at $250.00", "Dormitories Taken", "Compass $750.00", "'Alias'", "Kitchen (or 'Galley') $2,500" and "$1.00 Will Help."
Includes "Chanties", "Weather Vane Taken", "The Obsession of Luc", "Home to Die", "In the Mail", "'Breakwater' Christmas", "Immediate Response", "Recreation Room Equipment" and "A Cake."
Includes "The Dirge of the Derelict", "Ice Cream Money", "The Confidence of Daniel", "New Boat Needed to Cost $10,000", "When Chinese Meet British" and "A Beautiful Memorial Custom"
Includes "The Arm of Anastesiades", "Lighthouse Dedication on Roof of New Building", "Main Stair-case Taken", "The 'Longboat'", "Elevators $1,000 Each", "The Versatile Edward", "Baggage Department $2,000", "Compass Taken", "Middle Dormitory Taken at…
Includes "The Spirit of the Memorial Speaks", "The New Institute on the Cover", "New Benefactors", "The Arrival", "The End of the 'Sentinel': New Boat Will Cost $10,000", "Lantern Tower Cards", "Lighthouse Tower and Timeball Dedicated to the Titanic…
Includes Four Black and White Photographs of the Building at 25 South Street and "Our New Boat the J. Hooker Hamersley", "New Founder", "A Bed for a Night" and "New Chapel Dedicated."