Browse Folders (1494 total)

Contains twelve issues of the Seamen's Church Institute's publication, The Lookout, from January 1920 to December 1920.

Rating: No Rated

Includes "I am the Lookout" and "Safeguarding American Seamen."

Rating: No Rated

Includes "A Fairy City", "Newport S. C. I.", "Our Post Office", "The House Mother" and "How Far Can You See?"

Rating: No Rated

Includes "The North River Station", "Assistant to Dr. Mansfield", "Sailors' Day" and "Sailors' Day in Brooklyn."

Rating: No Rated

Includes "Is This the Thanks?" and "Missing Seamen."

Rating: No Rated

Includes "Angelo" and "Cooperation in 1920."

Rating: No Rated

Includes "Their Boy", "The Rev. Jimmy Legs" and "Sailors and Health."

Rating: No Rated

Includes "The Miraculous Escape: A Human Interest Story of the Perils of the Sea Exceeding the Wildest Imaginings of the Novelist."

Rating: No Rated

Includes "He Didn't Know Us" and "Seamen's Church Institute of Philadelphia."

Rating: No Rated

Includes "Those Magazines". The 1919 annual report was published in this issue of the Lookout, but is not included here. It is reproduced under the title "Seamen's Church Institute of New York - Annual Report 1919."

Rating: No Rated