Browse Folders (36 total)

Includes "Santa's Seabags Packed", "Canadian Visitors", "Trouble on Oiled Waters" by Faye Hammel, "25 South Street, New York 4, N.Y.: The Home Address for Thousands of Seafarers" and "Gift from the Storm" by James Frost

Rating: No Rated

Includes "The Maritime College Training Cruise" by Cadm. Gordon Geist, "From Barge to Pier: New Dock Climbs Out of Water On Its Own Legs", "The Railroad Fleet: Where the Tracks End, the Car Floats Take Over" by Faye Hammel and "Gift Shop Opened"

Rating: No Rated

Includes "A Summing Up", "Nantucket Battered", "Contest Winners", "It Happened This Month", "99 44/100% Plastic, It Floats" and "My Toughest Voyage" by George W. Clark

Rating: No Rated

Includes "A Seaward Glance" by Tom Baab, "The Old Ship" by William Chapman White, "Without a Dime" and "My Toughest Voyage" by John P. Ader, Jr.

Rating: No Rated

Includes "The Growing Fleet: Ship Models Come from Chiefs of State", "My Toughest Voyage" by James W. Pearson, "The Purser Knows All the Answers" by Doug Anderson, "The Breeches Buoy" and "Adopt a Ship"

Rating: No Rated

Includes "At the Philadelphia Convention: New Ideas Put Forward", "In the Grant Manner" by Tom Baab, "On These Warm Days...Consider the Iceberg" by Tom Baab, "Doria's Sister" and "Singing for Fun"

Rating: No Rated

Includes "To China for Tea" by Mae Stoke, "The Helicopter Patrol: Our Coast Guard Rises for a Better Look", "The Matchmakers: A Glimpse into the Ritual of Ship Brokerage" by Richard F. Shepard, "Up From the Deep" and "South Street Becomes a…

Rating: No Rated

Includes "The Fireboats" by Mae Stoke, "The Full Circle", "Secrets of the Sea" by Frank L. Remington and "Our Merchant Marine" by Raymond Moley

Rating: No Rated

Includes "A Look Abroad", "Fish for Sale: A Million Pounds a Day at the Fulton Market" by Mae Stoke, "Youth and Old Age" and "Just for Luck" by Tom Baab

Rating: No Rated

Includes "A Cavalcade of Shipping", "A Ferry Tale" and "Enter the Nautilus: America's First A-Sub" by Tom Baab

Rating: No Rated