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The Year 1951 In Review (One Hundred Seventeenth Annual Report of the Seamen’s Church Institute of New York). Includes "Merchantmen" by C. Fox Smith.

Rating: No Rated

Includes "Rescued by a Breeches Buoy", "Sea Chests" by Robert Wilder, "Lloyd's War Medal for Bravery at Sea", "Salvage" by C. Fox Smith and "An Uneventful Voyage" by Kermit W. Salyer

Rating: No Rated

Includes "Salute to Sailor Town" by C. Fox Smith, "Adventures of the 'Jean Jadot'" by Kermit W. Salyer, "Crew Saves Blazing Ship", "Heroism During Attack on Liner", "Cargo Ship Fought Air Raid and Fire", "A Skipper in Difficulty" by Frank Reil, "The…

Rating: No Rated

Includes "Memorial Day" by Caroline B. Lyman, "Seamen's Memorial Bandstand", "Where Sailors Lie Buried", an excerpt from the book "Voyages Around the World" by Capt. Edmund Fanning and "Sailor Town" by C. Fox Smith.

Rating: No Rated

Includes an Excerpt from the Book "Thirty Fathoms Deep" by Edward Ellsberg, "A Shepherd of the Sea" by Louis Alfred Banks, "A Sailor's Tribute", "Merchantmen" by C. Fox Smith, "The Institute to the Rescue", "Yarns of an Old Shellback" by Capt. J. L.…

Rating: No Rated