Journal of the Floating Church of Our Saviour 1848 June 16 - 1850 August 12 (2 of 7)


Journal of the Floating Church of Our Saviour 1848 June 16 - 1850 August 12 (2 of 7)

Format (Extent)

1 bound volume (259 pages)

Type (Physical characteristics and technical requirements)


Description (Scope and Content)

Includes entries detailing the bestowing of the Freedom of the City to Frederick Jerome for rescuing fifteen people from the bowsprit of the burning ship New World and the attendance at the Church of the crew from the rescue boat involved (September 18, 24, and 28, 1848); the attendance of the Excelsior Tent and the Washington Marine Tent of the Independent Order of the Rechabites at the funeral of Charles Smith at the Church (November 26, 1848); the resolution of the Board to hold evening services at the Church and the first evening service held there (December 16, 1848 and February 25, 1849); Rev. Parker’s sermon to a black congregation at the Church of the Messiah at Houston Street (December 24, 1849); Rev. Parker’s attendance at the consecration of the Floating Church of the Redeemer in Philadelphia (January 9-11, 1849); accounts of baptisms, prayers and special services for seafarers preparing to sail for California hoping to cash in on the Gold Rush there; the attendance of Capt. Johnson and the crew of the brig Manhattan at the Church in thanks for being saved from shipwreck (April 1, 1849); Rev. Parker delivers Sermon on the Cholera amidst outbreak and calls for a Public Fast Day (July 29 and August 4, 1849); the conversion of boarding house owners at 45 James Street to temperance and the banning of liquor at that establishment (November 4 and 11, 1849); damage done to the Church by a brig (December 22, 1849); Rev. Parker’s sermon on the rescue of three hundred ninety-nine people from the ship Caleb Grimshaw by the bark Sarah with Captains from both ships in attendance (January 27, 1850); Rev. Parker’s accompaniment of his wife to Boston via the Hartford-New Haven Railroad, which commenced service in 1844 (May 27, 1850).

Rights (Terms governing use)

Seamen’s Church Institute provides digital access to materials from its Archives for educational and research purposes. Responsibility for determining copyright status of and securing permission to use an item rests with the person desiring to use the material.


Parker, Rev. Benjamin C. C.


1848 June 16 - 1850 August 12

Item Relations

Item Relations

This item  belongs to the folder  Journal of the Floating Church of Our Saviour 1848 June 16 - 1850 August 12


Parker, Rev. Benjamin C. C., “Journal of the Floating Church of Our Saviour 1848 June 16 - 1850 August 12 (2 of 7),” SCI Digital Archives, accessed March 2, 2025,


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