The Lookout 1978 September-October (Vol. 69, No. 7)
Format (Extent)
1 book (20 pages)
Type (Physical characteristics and technical requirements)
.pdf, full-text searchable
Description (Scope and Content)
Includes "In Praise of Boats," "3rd Triennial Conference of the International Christian Maritime Association to Meet at SCI," "Institute Name Change Announced by Board of Managers," "Welcome," "Fall Curriculum of Roosevelt Institute of Maritime Studies Offers Three New Courses for Shorebased Personnel," "Recipe for Shark Steak," "Sea Impressions," "Admiral Mahan and the Institute"
Rights (Terms governing use)
Seamen’s Church Institute provides digital access to materials from its Archives for educational and research purposes. Responsibility for determining copyright status of and securing permission to use an item rests with the person desiring to use the material.
Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey
1978 September-October
Item Relations
Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey, “The Lookout 1978 September-October (Vol. 69, No. 7),” SCI Digital Archives, accessed February 28, 2025, http://seamenschurch-archives.org/sci/items/show/1843.