Journal of the Floating Church of Our Saviour 1844 July 7 - 1845 November 9 (1 of 2)


Journal of the Floating Church of Our Saviour 1844 July 7 - 1845 November 9 (1 of 2)

Format (Extent)

1 bound volume (120 pages)

Type (Physical characteristics and technical requirements)


Description (Scope and Content)

Includes entries detailing Rev. Parker’s visits to boarding houses (September 29, 1844); the breaking of the Church’s mooring chains in a storm (September 29, 1844); Rev. Parker’s attendance on the maiden voyage of the Clipper Ship Rainbow, for which he had secured a library of 200 volumes (February 1, 1845); the publication and distribution of the “Manual of Devotion;” damage done to the Church during a snowstorm (February 3, 1845); the time Rev. Parker spent in Boston in May of 1845 assisting in the location of a floating church for seafarers there (May 12, 1845); Rev. Parker’s trip to Albany in June of 1845 to see about building a new chapel at the North River (June 17, 1845); Rev. Parker’s trip to Dr. J.W. Francis at 1 Bond Street to be bled (September 1, 1845).

Rights (Terms governing use)

Seamen’s Church Institute provides digital access to materials from its Archives for educational and research purposes. Responsibility for determining copyright status of and securing permission to use an item rests with the person desiring to use the material.


Parker, Rev. Benjamin C. C.


1844 July 7 - 1845 November 9

Item Relations

Item Relations

This item  belongs to the folder  Journal of the Floating Church of Our Saviour 1844 July 7 - 1845 November 9


Parker, Rev. Benjamin C. C., “Journal of the Floating Church of Our Saviour 1844 July 7 - 1845 November 9 (1 of 2),” SCI Digital Archives, accessed March 1, 2025,


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