Board Of Managers Minutes 1854-1867 (3 of 12)


Board Of Managers Minutes 1854-1867 (3 of 12)

Format (Extent)

1 bound volume (523 pages)

Type (Physical characteristics and technical requirements)


Description (Scope and Content)

Includes minutes from the monthly meetings held by the Board of Managers from April 1854 – April 1867. The following people are among those represented under this subject: Rev. Gregory T. Bedell; Rev. W. Berrian; Thomas P. Cummings; Rev. W. E. Eigenbrodt; Rev. Charles H. Halsey; Rev. Benjamin S. Huntington; Rev. D. V. M. Johnson; Rev. Robert W. Lewis; Rev. B. C. C. Parker; Rt. Rev. Horatio Potter; Rev. Robert G. Quennell; Rev. E. F. Remington; Rev. Henry Floy Roberts; Rev. Thomas H. Taylor; Rev. Francis Vinton; Rt. Rev. J. M. Wainwright; Rev. Joseph M. Waite; and Rev. Robert J. Walker. Notable events include the death of Rt. Rev. J. M. Wainwright in 1854; the establishment of the New Sailors’ Home at 338 Pearl Street on Franklin Square in October 1854; the death of Rev. Charles H. Halsey in 1855; the death of Rev. B. C. C. Parker and the election of his replacement, Rev. Benjamin S. Huntington, in 1859; the resignation of Rev. E. F. Remington and the election of his replacement, Rev. Robert J. Walker, in 1859; the resignation of Rev. Joseph M. Waite and the election of his replacement, Rev. Henry Floy Roberts, in 1860; the resignation of Rev. Benjamin S. Huntington and the election of his temporary replacement, Rev. Robert G. Quennell, in 1861; the death of Rev. W. Berrian in 1862; the replacement of Rev. Robert G. Quennell by Rev. Robert W. Lewis in 1864; the abandonment of the Floating Church of Our Saviour in 1866; and the death of Rev. Thomas H. Taylor in 1867.

Rights (Terms governing use)

Seamen’s Church Institute provides digital access to materials from its Archives for educational and research purposes. Responsibility for determining copyright status of and securing permission to use an item rests with the person desiring to use the material.


Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York


1856 September 9 - 1858 March 30

Item Relations

Item Relations

This item  belongs to the folder  Board Of Managers Minutes 1854-1867


Board of Managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Missionary Society for Seamen in the City and Port of New York, “Board Of Managers Minutes 1854-1867 (3 of 12),” SCI Digital Archives, accessed September 20, 2024,


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