Browse Folders (1494 total)

Includes "Harbor for Santa Claus" by Frank Laskier, "The Stranger's Christmas" by Thomas Gerald Grant, "The White Porpoise" by John Hodakovsky, "Sailors' Day Service at Cathedral" and "Colorful Christmas Festivities in United Nations Seamen's Clubs"

Rating: No Rated

Includes "The Good Old Days" by Marjorie Dent Candee, "Seafaring and Circusing", "S.O.S. 'Sparks'" by Gordon Fraser, "Port of Missing Men" by Shirley Wessel, "How Captain Jasper Merryman of the Ship 'Buffoon' Awoke the Watch on Deck" by George Noble,…

Rating: No Rated

Includes "For Heroism...", "Libr'y Night" by O. Forsyth Elsom, "What Books Mean to Men at Sea" by Francis W. Keyser, "The Book with No Covers" by Wesley McCune, "War Mural for Merchant Marine", "Dr. Kelley's Anniversary" and "George the Second" by…

Rating: No Rated

Includes "Why I Go to Sea" by Francis Keyser, "First Anniversary of Artists and Writers Club Celebrated at Luncheon", "Contrary to Regulations" by Joseph I. Flynn, "Waterfront Bard" and "Who's Got the Ocelot?"

Rating: No Rated

Includes "Tattooing Survives", "A Sailing Breeze" by George T. Noble, "My Most Memorable Sea Experience" by Thomas Hill, "A Merchant Seaman at UNO" by Orriz Contreras, "Blizzard at Sea" by Herbert L. Satterlee and "Fire and Rescue at Sea"

Rating: No Rated

Includes "Playtime for Seafarers", "Crossing 'The Line'" by Tom O'Reilly, "For Distinguished Service: Volunteers", "Pictorial Record of a Voyage on a C-2 Transport" by Herman Brockdorff, "Strange Incident" by Herbert Colcord and a letter to Tom…

Rating: No Rated

Includes "Skipper, A Liberty Hound" by Lt. John E. White, "Hull No. 803" by Gordon Fraser, "The Captain Blew His Bugle" by Orriz R. Contreras, "War Mural Chosen for Institute Lobby", "For Seamen's Children" by Ann Culhane and "Voyage of the Packet…

Rating: No Rated

Includes "Marine Photography Contest", "Archbishop of Canterbury Visits 25 South Street", a review of the book "Two Years Before the Mast" by Francis Keyser, "Through a Gaff Tops'l Hair-Do" by Capt. Harry Garfield, reviews of the movie "The Raider"…

Rating: No Rated

Includes "Kome, Doctor Kome Fixit" by George M. Meredith, "A Matter of Winches" by Capt. Harry Garfield, "Fate and a Torpedo" by Mort Alper, "Genuflection to the Engine" by Robert Thompson and "I've Had a Lot of Fun" by George T. Noble

Rating: No Rated

Includes "Bob, the Seagoing Gazelle" by L.J. Lake, "Why I Go to Sea" by Capt. John S. Conaghan, "The 'Elsie' and the 'Blue Nose'" by Angela Geele, "The Bosun" by Tom O'Reilly, "To Sea or Not to Sea" by John Hodakovsky and "An Incident at Sea" by…

Rating: No Rated