Includes "Then and Now", "Waterproof Wallets for Seamen", "Merchant Marine Hero Honored", "Music at Noon" by Anne W. Conrow, "Seamen's Chapel" by Edward N. West, "Insignia for Seamen", "Coast Guard Graduates", "Fort Schuyler Cadets", "Aboard an Army…
Includes "Merchant Seamen at the 'Front'" by Gault MacGowan, "Merchant Marine Academy Dedicated" by Walter Hamshar, "Activities at the Janet Roper Club", "Lighthouse on the Land" by Maris D. Hurt, "Heroes' Hotel" by Richard Molinas, "Jan's Garden" by…
Includes "Janet Roper Club Opens", a letter from Adm. Emory S. Land dated September 3, 1943, "The Missing Seamen's Bureau Carries On", "Merchant Seamen Buy War Bonds" and "Dances for Seafarers"
Includes black and white photographs of activities taking place in the Janet Roper Club. SCI opened the club on September 8, 1943 at 3 East 67th Street in New York (N.Y.) The club provided seafarers with a place to take their friends and families for…