Browse Folders (1494 total)

Rating: No Rated

Includes black and white photographs of Mariner 15 Bar & Lounge at 15 State Street, SCI’s headquarters from 1968-1985. Views of construction as well as mariners interacting are represented under this subject. Construction of Mariner 15 began in the…

Rating: No Rated

Includes black and white photographs of John Masefield, Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom from 1930 until his death in 1967. Masefield is shown with his wife, Constance Crommelin, and with Rev. Archibald R. Mansfield on the Titanic Memorial…

Rating: No Rated

Rating: No Rated

Rod McFarlin joined the Navy in 1960 before getting his Z card and joining the National Maritime Union. He sailed as an Ordinary Seaman before getting his 2nd Mate's license at the Seamen's Church Institute's Navigation and Marine Engineering…

Rating: No Rated

Rod describes the process of “shooting the stars” with a sextant to measure a ship’s geographic position using celestial navigation, before the days of electronic GPS.

Rating: No Rated

Rod sailed during the First Gulf War, starting with Desert Shield and on through Desert Storm. He describes carrying cargo to and from the war zone.

Rating: No Rated

Rod sailed on vessels stationed at Vietnam during the War. He recalls an incident in which his ship was shot at while sailing upriver. The US Army concluded that the bullet holes in the ship’s exterior were actually from World War II, and Rod and…

Rating: No Rated

Includes black and white photographs of SCI doctors using the radio station KDKF in 1920.


Rating: No Rated

Includes black and white photographs of observances of Memorial Day. Memorial Day services in Ocean View Cemetery on May 30, 1930, at Jeanette Park on May 30, 1932 (with Rev. Archibald R. Mansfield placing a wreath on the bandstand) and on the…

Rating: No Rated