Browse Folders (1494 total)

One Hundred and Seventh Annual Report of the Seamen’s Church Institute of New York. Includes "The War at Sea Continues" and "The War at Sea - 1914-1918" by Marjorie D. Candee.

Rating: No Rated

One Hundred and Eighth Annual Report of the Seamen’s Church Institute of New York. Includes "Dedication" by Marjorie D. Candee.

Rating: No Rated

The Year 1943 In Review. Includes "Street of Ships" and "Portrait of an Era 1840-50" by Marjorie D. Candee and "New York - and the Sea" by Robert Greenhalgh Albion.

Rating: No Rated

The Year 1944 In Review (One Hundred and Eleventh Annual Report of the Seamen’s Church Institute of New York). Includes "South Street - 1945" by Marjorie D. Candee.

Rating: No Rated

The Year 1945 In Review (One Hundred and Twelfth Annual Report of the Seamen’s Church Institute of New York). Includes "These are the Signs of Peace" by Marjorie D. Candee.

Rating: No Rated

The Year 1946 in Review (One Hundred Thirteenth Annual Report of the Seamen’s Church Institute of New York). Includes "Cargoes - 1947" by Marjorie D. Candee.

Rating: No Rated

The Year 1947 In Review (One Hundred Thirteenth Annual Report of the Seamen’s Church Institute of New York). Includes "Dedication of Mural", "Soberly Yours" and "Book Blossoms That Never Fade."

Rating: No Rated

The Year 1948 In Review (One Hundred Fourteenth Annual Report of the Seamen’s Church Institute of New York). Includes "More Seamen Than Jobs" and "Clinics Especially Busy."

Rating: No Rated

The Year 1949 In Review (One Hundred Fifteenth Annual Report of the Seamen’s Church Institute of New York). Includes "The Worst Year Since 1923."

Rating: No Rated

The Year 1950 In Review (One Hundred Sixteenth Annual Report of the Seamen’s Church Institute of New York). Includes "Street of Ships - South Street - June, 1950" by Marjorie D. Candee.

Rating: No Rated