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One Hundred Twenty-Eighth Annual Report of the Seamen's Church Institute of New York. Includes "The Church and the Harbor."

Rating: No Rated

One Hundred Twenty-Ninth Annual Report of the Seamen's Church Institute of New York. Includes "SCI Log - Excerpts from Daily Staff Reports."

Rating: No Rated

1963 Annual Report. Includes "Seaman of the Month Robert Mistron", "SCI Proudly Announces the Opening of FDR Collection: 'The Old Navy'", "Requiem for a Seaman", "A Cooper Named Materson", "Cupid Sat in the Roper Room" and "Mariners Beware!" by Ivan…

Rating: No Rated

One Hundred Thirty-First Annual Report of the Seamen’s Church Institute of New York. Includes "Seaman of the Month Bruce Warren", "Gemutlichkeit and a Trophy", "Happiness is a Thing Called Sharing", "I Dont' Believe in Sea Monsters" by George B.…

Rating: No Rated

One Hundred Thirty-Second Annual Report of the Seamen’s Church Institute of New York. Includes "Gallant Ship" by George R. Berens, "Strange Navy" and "They Bowed the Atlantic" by James M. Powles.

Rating: No Rated

One Hundred Thirty-Third Annual Report of the Seamen’s Church Institute of New York. Includes "Sea Gulls" by P. J. Reale, "The Vow That Lives" by Peter Hesp, "They Still Hunt for Sunken Treasure" by Raymond Schuessler and "Ships and the Seaman" by…

Rating: No Rated

One Hundred Thirty Fourth Annual Report of the Seamen’s Church Institute of New York. Includes "Lights That Never Fail" by Raymond Schuessler, "A.1 at Lloyd's", "Pepper, Please" by Enola Chamberlin and "Saga of the Privateers" by Paul Brock.

Rating: No Rated

One Hundred Thirty Fifth Annual Report of the Seamen’s Church Institute of New York. Includes "Widow's Son" by E. W. Harper, "When the Russian Flagship Svetlana Held Easter Services in New York Harbor", "The Early Dream" by Sanford Sternlicht and…

Rating: No Rated

1969 Report of the Director to the Board of Managers. Includes "Birds at Sea" by Ray Rives, "Hands Across the Sea to Portgual" by Harold G. Petersen, "Three Sea Devils" by John Britton, "Troubled Waters" by Glynn Mapes and "Horned Whale Lurks in the…

Rating: No Rated

The 1970 Report of the Director to the Board of Managers. Includes "They Sailed Into Oblivion" by Paul Brock, "First American Lifeboat Built in Nantucket" by J. R. Crane, "Maury: America's Sea Chart Pioneer" by Alan Major, "The Alanthus' Day of…

Rating: No Rated