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Rating: No Rated

Includes black and white photographs of the Sentinel, purchased by SCI in 1902 to visit ships and bring merchant mariners to and from the institute for religious services and recreation. Views of the yacht in the harbor and moored next to the…

Rating: No Rated

Includes black and white photographs of the christening of the tugboat “Thomas Tracy”, built by the Levingston Shipbuilding Company in 1951 for Tracy Towing Lines.

Rating: No Rated

Includes black and white and color photographs of ship models on display.

Rating: No Rated

Includes black and white and color photographs of SCI employees visiting ships. Ship visitors include both chaplains and laymen and provide reading and recreation material as well as information about the services SCI provides. Capt. Jorgen U. Bjorge…

Rating: No Rated

Includes black and white photographs of the Shipcraft Guild. In addition to views of people admiring ship models, Rev. Harold H. Kelley and Janet L. Roper are represented under this subject.

Rating: No Rated

Includes black and white photographs of the possible origin of the Sir Galahad figurehead.

Rating: No Rated

Includes black and white photographs of the Sir Galahad memorial, given to SCI in 1927 by I. J. Merritt in memory of his father. Represented under this subject are the memorial’s dedication ceremony, a close-up of the plaque, views of the memorial…

Rating: No Rated

Includes black and white photographs of children in the care of the Society for Seamen's Children. The Society for Seamen's Children was founded in 1846 and operated foster care facilities for children of mariners at Marshall Cottage in Staten Island…

Rating: No Rated

Includes black and white photographs of the soda fountain and luncheonette at 25 South Street, SCI's headquarters from 1913-1967.

Rating: No Rated