Browse Items (7614 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items of 2 Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added Anderson, J Beck, Frederick Brettman, Adolph Downs, Gregory G Greiner, Lynn Joyner, Herman McCullogh, J Moloney, Martin J. Neeson, H ?, George "Hotel Reading Room, Seamen's Church Institute of New York, 25 South Street" Seamen's Church Institute "Ships, the Lifeline of Britain" Benefit Party Seamen's Church Institute 1942 "Thomas Tracy" Tugboat Ship Christening Seamen's Church Institute 1951 [ [***?], Antone [Acker?], A [Akerly, B] [Aldason?], John [Alflan], Ben [Alholqse?], A [Amarba, E] [Amerel?], L [Amesen], Holmes [Ask, J?] [Atansak?], Stanley [Athleston?] [Awerman?], Jennie [Azafar? A] [Backer?] [Bardin], Paul [Barris?] John [Barus], Victor [Beerinson, Adrian?] [Begenu], Charles [Benson], C [Besia?] [Bissio], Chas [Blassing?] [Bloomet], H [Blush?], C [Bodden], Robert [Boddicker?] [Borngson?], E [Brainarne?], Morris [Braskit?], D [Bressendirf?], Peter W.F. [Briscoe], Morris [Brunan?], [ [Bursed], C [Bushe], Thomas [Camel?] [Carter C?] [Cassius??] [Castra??] [Causeil], Jonis [Cayer], Albert [Cebatoras?] Anthony [Chauer??] [Clamfe], George [Clamfe], George [Classen?] [Cleon, G??] [Cohort?], Edward [Con?], Fred [Costatto?], D [Critte?], James [Cronies?], Peter [Cuaco?] [Cummings??? Michael?] [Cummings?], E [Custer?], D [Daires?] Charles [Danick?], Emil [Dantrof?], Paul [Davis?], C [Davison?] [Dearnden?], Charles [Dehaut?], Jack [Denim?], John [Dial], Peter [Dikony], Paul [Dilbert?], Jus [Dissendour?] [Donnie?], Fred [Dorne? Quinan??] [Dravin?], Alfred [Drydaghs?] John L. [Egerkor?] [Ekstrom?], Nels [Elbring], William [Felsman], Robert [Ferguson?] [Floc], Phillip [Frankland?], John [Freer?] Richard [Fynch], Michael [Garson Jalmas?] [Gatenae?], William [Gedetsh?], Axel [Geralt, Turrin?] [Gianekoptas Aristis?] [Giranfel?] Nathaniel [Glieson, Jens?] [Godenbing?], Kenneth [Granba?], John [Hansch?], N [Haverkaup?, Walton] [Heinz, P?]] [Hoflemer], John [Hogarth?] [Honesberger?] [Hoskins?] [Houarty?], Francis [Huggen?] [Hurtz?], [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [Illegible] [illegible], Hugh [Jacobson?], C [Janer?], J [Jaoyaga?], Felipe [Jarare?], John [Jarsen], Herman [Jase], Charles [Jeff?], Jacob [Jensen?], Hans [Juoh?], John J. [Kaffer?] [Kall], C [Karukas?], G [Karvel], Frank [Kasack], J [Kaschinsky?] [Katenburg?] [Katuryk], Janus Van [Kauss], Otto [Kaytore], William [Keenez?], James [Keetis], Joseph [Kell, John E?] [Kellog?, J] [Kelluoher?] Otto [Kieff?, C] [Kingslie?], Stanley [Kleist], Frederick [Knise?], Martin [Kollas Semor?] [Kraly], August [Kroner?], D [Kvasich?], Mike [Lafshon?] [Lamark, R?] [Lefkoriwitz], Joseph [Leonofa?? Sidney???] [Lichrune], Albert [Linguis E. Yurt?] [Louisford?], John [Lucheier?] [Macheis? Owen?] [MacNamara?], Patrick [Madole], James [Major, James?] [Makem, Emil] [Maker, Charles?] [Malieugrau, Erik R?] [Maljers?], William [Manck?], E [Mangnall], John [Marin?], bernard [Maughemanet?], Felix [McDennis?], John M [Meeches], Harry [Meeusing], Otto [Meevact?], Vitold [Mekenson?], E [Melero], Francis [Merritt], George [Milhaland?], William [Muney?], George [Nathan?], John [New Thelsea?] [Norich?], Francis [Nova, J?] [Noventore?], George [O'Malley], Anthony [Olrllabl?], Sam [Onasen?] Olaf [Overgan], Matthew [Paejen?], K [Palin?] [Paneiz, Casildo?] [Parlesy], Albert J. [Pasche?], Paul [Penchel?] [Pessan?], Joseph [Petring?], J [Pettinger?] J [Philoma], Richard [Prant?], Frank [Presitz, J?] [Preter, Elmannuel?] [Rafe], Paul [Rafinia, Landis?] [Ramstent Waldeman?] [Refuse?] [Riehle], Eugune [Rorttger, Julius?] [Rosengram?] William [Saffr? Peter?] [Sahlet?], Arthur [Samelholm?], Antoine [Sarenson?], A [Sasofe?], Philip [Sassen], Thomas [Schroeder?] [Schullz? Vobailis?] [Schurlses?], Peter [Seirmeart?], Harry [Sendeer], Walter [Shack?] [Shadie, Michael] [Shae?], L [Sherton?], J [Shrang?] os [Sinore?]], Robert [Skachiff?] [Sleminger?], Arthur [Smevik], Thomas [Sporbell?, Joseph J.] [Start, ?] [Stevens?] [Stevenson?], John [Sufsees?], Frank [Suinfero], Edward [Sullivan?], John [Syverlemen??], Sigmund? [Tameso?], Wilfre A. [Tenohler?], Julius [Terrence?], E [Thode, Flak?] [Tick Lister?] [Tomefanerich, Zimimo?] [Tonyes?], John [Tynoslso?] Frank [Underhill???] James [Van Veen?] [Vecker? Daniel?] [Verrernau, Frank?] [Vickysorbff?], Michael [Vincent?], P [Vinghorn], William [Vogel, H?] [Von Geevan], William [Wacker?] [Wahlgreen?] [Wakcker], J [Wakefield?], W [Waldau], J [Wallam?], Fred [Wassilger?], A [Weker?], H [West?] [Westhaum?], R [Wonnet?] [Wure?], Matt [Yause, E?] [Yeardly????] Wallie [Zadea?], J [Zaska?], A [Zebediah?], A [Zebremiah, E?] [Zhatman?], E 15 State Street Basement Seamen's Church Institute 1968-1985 15 State Street Building Exterior Seamen's Church Institute 1967-1985 15 State Street Cafeteria Seamen's Church Institute 15 State Street Chapel of Our Savior Seamen's Church Institute May 1968-February 1985 15 State Street Cornerstone Laying Ceremony Seamen's Church Institute December 8, 1967 15 State Street Department of Special Services Seamen's Church Institute 1968-1985 15 State Street Gymnasium Seamen's Church Institute 1968-1985 15 State Street Hotel Desk Seamens Church Institute 1968-1985 15 State Street Hotel Rooms Seamen's Church Institute 1968-1985 15 State Street Kitchen Seamen's Church Institute May 1968 - October 1984 15 State Street Lobby Seamen's Church Institute 1968-1985 15 State Street Magazine Room Seamen's Church Institute 1968-1985 15 State Street Restaurant Seamen's Church Institute 1968-1984 1915 NY State Census example image 1920 US Census example image 1925 New York Census example image 1930 Merchant Seaman Census example image 1930 US Census example image 1940 US Census example image 25 South Street Alcoholics Assitance Bureau Seamen's Church Institute 1945-1967 25 South Street Annex Seamen's Church Institute 1925 25 South Street Apprentice Room Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Auditorium Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Baggage Room Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Barber Shop Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Board Room Seamen's Church Institute 1927 25 South Street Building Exterior Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Cafeteria Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Chapel Mural Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Chapel of Our Savior Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Department of Special Services Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Dining Rooms Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1928 25 South Street Employment Bureau Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Engine Room Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Exterior Cross Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Exterior Doors Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Exterior Gargoyles Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Floorplans & Renderings 25 South Street Game Room Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Hotel Desk Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Hotel Rooms and Dormitories Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Kitchen Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Laundry Facilities Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Lobby Seamen's Church Institute 1912-1967 25 South Street Lobby Information Desk Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Lobby Mural Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Medical Clinic Seamen's Church Institute 1925-1967 25 South Street Officer's Room Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Print Shop Seamen's Church Institute 1917-1967 25 South Street Reading Room Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Roof Views Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Seamen's Lounge Seamen's Church Institute January 12, 1942-1967 25 South Street Seamen's Savings Department Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Shipping Office 25 South Street Sloppe Chest Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Soda Fountain and Luncheonette Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 25 South Street Tailor Shop 25 South Street William D. Tracy Dental Clinic Seamen's Church Institute Fall 1931-1967 25 South Street Writing Room Seamen's Church Institute 1913-1967 4th of July in Old New York Seamen's Church Institute 1976 535 Decatur St New Orleans Abad, Benigno Abbett, Ernest L. Abbott, Charles H. Abean? William Abegria, Benito Abel, John Abrahamson Samuel Abrahamson, Enos? Abramson, Philip Abrostias Beneto Acker, ? Acosta, Thomas Acuna, Alejandro Adams, Alex Adams, Charles T Adams, Henry L Adams, Jaymes Adams, John Adamson, [Gus] Addy, W Adolfsen, John Adom? Albert Aerial and Landscape Views of New York City Seamen's Church Institute 1930-1985 Aerial Views of Port Newark (Port Authority) Seamen's Church Institute 1996 Agudo, R Aiken A Ainado, Domingo Akelry? Alario Alfred Alberg, [Gunnar?] Albers, John Albert? Hans Albertez, herman Alberts, Hans Alborez, R Aldamis, Victor Aldana? Richard B Aleneida? Jose Areliso Alenstin? Pedro Alert? Samuel Alescanderson, Mike Alex Taller Sculpture Exhibit Seamen's Church Institute 1973 Alexander, D Alexander, John Alexander, Samuel Alfado, Albert Alfamarina, Henry Alger, Nels Ali, Benj Aliago, Louis All Saints Episcopal Church Altar Seamen's Church Institute Allan, Belson Allard, Raymond Allard? Louis Allaya, Gregorio Allegue, Rodrigo Allen, Archibald Allen, Enos Allen, John J Allen, Reginald Allen, S. L Allen, Thomas Allitis, Antonio Allnedt, Enil Allshouse, Amos William Almin, Sidney Alonso, Bernardo Alonso, Emilio Alonso, Manuel Alphonse, Antone Alphonse, Joaquin Alsop, Albert E Alspugh? Walter Altomago, Eulogiio Altwood, [Chas?] Aluinassen, Hans Aluman, Francisco Alvaraz, Joros Alvarez, [A?] Alvarez, Louis Alvarino, Jose Alves, Michael Alwardt, Louis Amado, Vincent P Amara, henry Amego, Jos Amelung, Alice Amelung, Fred A. America, F. J. American Merchant Marine Oral Histories Word Cloud American Seamen's Friend Society 507 West St Amferos?, Uriah Amido, Jose Amundsen, [Einar??] Anantogono, Juan Anapol, A Andersen, H Andersen, Robert Anderson [S?] Anderson C, Anderson E Anderson L Anderson, ? Anderson, [Samson?] Anderson, Aaron Anderson, Adolf Anderson, Albert Anderson, Alec Anderson, Alexander Anderson, Anders Anderson, Andrew Anderson, Anton Anderson, B Anderson, C Anderson, Charles Anderson, Charles Anderson, E Anderson, Elwin Anderson, Frank Anderson, George Anderson, George Anderson, H Anderson, Henry Anderson, Henry L. Anderson, Herman Anderson, John Anderson, John Anderson, John F Anderson, L Anderson, Malcody Anderson, Malcody Anderson, Morris Anderson, O Anderson, Oscar Anderson, P.Z. Anderson, Peter C. Anderson, Theodore Anderson, Victor Anderson, Walter Andrade, A.A. Andreassan, Gummar Andreis, John B. Andrew, John Andrew, Victor Andrews, Charles Andrews, Thor, E Andro C Andro C Angelo, Louis Angus, Alfred Ansalone, John Ansoboga, V. Anson, Joseph Antangian?, Frank Anthony, C Anthony, James L Antnir?, Gust Antones, John Antonio, L Antonio, Robert Apprentices Aqumaldo, Florenizio? Arabalo, Josse Arak, A? Aranda, Carlos Aranda, Juan Arandia, Genaro Aranja, Prbono D Aranson, Ben Arbakkenn, Burnt Arby, William Archer, Edward Aregtan? Jack Aretles, Alfredo Arevalo, Jose Arias, Manuel Arince, A Ark? Arlante, E. Arlois, Faust Armado, Julio S. Armecos, F Armend Delkan Armond, E Armstorm, James Arneberg Adel Arnell, Edward Arojis, Charles Arrasato, Vicente Arriandiaga, J Arrillaga M Arsoneau, Lionel Arthur, John Arvalt, Will H. Ashby, Elizabeth Ashby, John W. Ashby, Torence Askew, James W. Assel, Harman Assent? Harold Atkins, John P Atoas, Andres Audiro, Frank Augre, Manuel Augustine, Edwardo Aust, Herman Austin, James P. Avest, John Avila, Manuel Aylett, A? Azasen?, A Azeveds, Manuel Babio E Babio, Jose F Babner, W. G. Back, Harold A. Backer, Sbeerre Bacon, Edwin H. Baden, Frank Baduel, Eatiqueano Baedo, Jose Bagda, Emil Bailey, Elsie Bailey, Joseph Bailey, Reese Bailey, William Henry Baink? Lawrence Bajanoff, Louis Baker, A Baker, David - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 18 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 19 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 20 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 21 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 22 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, David - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May 2 Baker, Ernest Baker, G Baker, Harry Baker, John B Baker, Thomas E. Baker, W Baker, W Baker, William Balad, Jack W. Ball, Arthur E Ball, William H. Ballard? Reginald R Ballego, Julian Balton, W Bandalas, A Bandalos, Sam Bangler, John Bank, Peter Bann, Francis Banos, Victoriano Banquet, J Banza, Andres Banzar?, Daniel Bara, George Barata, L Barbir, Theodore B. Barbosa, John A Barbredescu, Y Barclay, William Bardewell, Henry D. Barding, Albert Barell, Fose Bareos, Juan barge barnegat.jpg Barida M Bark, Edwald Barker, William Barmhardt, Victor Barnes, Dellef? Barnes, Frank Barnes, Harold Barnes, Samuel Barnes, William G. Baron, Bernard Barrera, Antonio barresen, Guan Barret, Patrick J Barrett, Elmer Barrett, William Barrio, Juan Barrow, William Barry, Gerald Barry, James Barry, James Barry, Laurence Barry, Steve Barry, William J. Barthon, August H. Bartlett, Aldir Bartlett, Roland Bartlett, William Bartley, Aubrey Bartolome, Arroyo Barton, Brandon? Bartosh, Michael Barturch, F Barys, John F Basford, Harry Bass, Andrew A Basseme, C Bastamento, E Bates, [Bless] Batra, Abraham Battz, Dilther Bauallis, Peter Bauer, Johana Baullasa, Emilio Baxter, Edith G Baxter, William Bayer, Ralph Beal?, Gordon C Beals, Edward Beane, Castleton A Beard, Jr. J. Rudolph Beardsley, Leroy Beaton? Beauchamp, F Beaudette, A Beaudsworth, Ralph, L. Beaumont, C Beaumont, E Beck, Charles A. Beck, Thomas Becker, Herman Becker, John Beckstrom, Joseph Bedgood, Frederich Bedsiosa? Cristobal Begen, L.J. Begley, Philip Begor, Peter Behm, Ernst Behr, Edward Jr Belanoff, Mae Belasky, Leon Belasques, Horatio Belcher, Elijah Bellamy, Conrad Belloew, John Belton, George Belton, Guy Benderson, Thomas Bendixson, Antone, H? Bendon? George Beng, San P? Bennet, J Benning, Carl Benson, Edward Bent, John Benton, [Allern?] E Benzies, John Berev, Otto Berg, Axel A. Berg, Oskar Bergel, Anne Berger, Walter Bergerion, Otto Bergstadt, Hans Bergteson, B.E. Bergthal, Fred Bermudez, Manuel J Bernard, Thomas Bernie, Herman Beronett F Berry, Jack Berry, Virgil B. Berry, WE Berry, WE beseler, Kurt Besley, Reg. E. Besso, Frank Best, Fitz? Best, Frank Best, Jason E? Beters, Edward Bethen? Reese Bettoncourt, Manuel Beughardt, W Bevan, Fred Bevins, C? Bewen, William Beyer, Horst Bibault, Joseph Bie, John Bigado, Joe Bigall, Ocas Bigson Bilaski, John Bilbao, Anthony A. Bing? Walter Binninger, Leo Bird, George Birdslaw, Daniel Birdsong Gerald Bisen? J Bjoevik, M.C. Bjorklund, Edward Bjornsen, Albert Bjornsgaard, Chris Black, Hugh Black, Verlin? Blackburn, Julian D. Blair, Thomas Blake, Charles Blake, Charlie Blakels, james Blakey J Blakey, D Blakey, J Blanch? Raymond Blanchard, Wesley Blanco, Benito Blanco, Jose Blanco, Lirendo Blanco, M. Blanes, A Blank, John Blank, Perry Blatt Fred Blessin, John Bloch, William Block, William Blocker, Jack Blongrind Bloom, Albert Bloomfield, Gustav Blossom, Samuel Bluitt, J Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Blumenthal, Stanley - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 May Boastorov, Nicolas Boats Through History Bobola, John Bock, Hans Bock, Joseph Boda, Ernest Bodden, Maldon Bodler, John R Boenhke, Robert Bogen, Pierer, J Bogert, A Boggers, Edward E. Boggs, Henry Bohler, Peter Boland Joseph Bolandoes? Emil? Bolger, Carl W. Bolin, Erik Bolio, Maura Bolton, William W. Bongason, Elias Bongonvanni, Sebastian Bonvento, Matthew - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Bonvento, Matthew - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Bonvento, Matthew - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Bonvento, Matthew - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Bonvento, Matthew - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Bonvento, Matthew - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Bonvento, Matthew - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Bonvento, Matthew - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Bonvento, Matthew - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Bonvento, Matthew - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Bonvento, Matthew - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Bonvento, Matthew - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2013 August 29 Book of Remembrance Seamen's Church Institute Boorman Raymond Boorman?, C Border, William Borelli, John Borges, Edmunds Borgesen, Gynner Borgess, Fred Borilla, William Bormon, C Bornson W Borrelli, Frank Borstena, William Bostwick, Warden Bother? Botner, Charles Boudreau, Julian Boudreau, Peter Boughton, Charles Boughton, George A. Boughton, Lillian R. Boughton, Rose Bouginny? Bougment, Joe Boutcher, Paul Bowcheauet, Hector J. Bowen, Norman H Bowers, Hughes. Bowler, John Bowler, Louis B Bowman, J.T. Bowwens, Joe Box, Frank Boxon, Walter Boyelle, Lsenge Boyle, [Brannon?] Boyle, James Boyton, Paul Boyton, Paul Bradbury, Freeman E. Bradley, Edward Bradley, Edward Bradshaw, Arthur Brady, Carl Brady, William J Brana, Manuel Brando, Enrique Brandon, Joe Brannman?, Henry Bratchey, James T Breakwater Hotel Seamen's Church Institute 1908-1913 Breddis?, Hugo Breen, P Breen? Patrick Breham, L.C. Brehm, William Brener, Thomas M. Brennan, Gerald Brennan, John Brente, L. Manuel Brentos, E Bresqier, Willy Bressen, D Brewer, Alvin A Brewer, Robert Brickhouse William Brickwalter, A Bridge, W Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 18 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 19 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 20 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brierley, Derek E. - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 15 Brinkman, Charles Britt, Chande S Britt, Fred Lee Brix, Eric Brockway, Donald A Broderson, Morris Brodie, Herbert Broettmar, Charles H. Bronhold, John Brook, Jack Brookes, Clark Brooklyn Station Exterior Seamen's Church Institute 1904-1907 Brooks, [Thomas?] Brooks, Adjal T. Brooks, Harry Brooks, L Brother Jack and I, Circa 1943.jpg Brown, [Hunter?] Brown, Alred A Brown, Charles Brown, Charles A Brown, Charles H.T. Brown, Herman Brown, John Brown, Jones Brown, Martin Brown, Percy Brown, Samuel Brown, Thomas H. Brown, W Brown, W Brown, W.F. Brown, William J. Brown? E Browne, Martin Brugas, J Bruikman, W? Brunet, P Bruns, Peter Brussels, P Bryan, Henry A. Bryan, James A. Buakmen?, William Buchanan, Henry Buchanan, Joe Buchannan, William Buchhale, Robert? Bucich, John Buckley, Frank Buckley, S. F. Budelis?, John Budrick, Edward Budrow Edward Bugalesci, Martin Bugg, Steven - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 2 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Bugg, Steven - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 April 17 Buhagiar, Eddie Buhl, H Buick, Arnthony Buitraga Joaquin Bukle, Robert Bulford, W Bundesen, Peter Bunick, John Bunker, Elliott S. Burcharat?, Andrew Burget, Warren L Burgos, D Burgos, Joseph Burke, Isidore Burke, John Burke, Matthew Burke, Patrick Burke, R Burke, Simeon Burke, Thomas Burkland, Nils Burnett, Charles Burns, James Burns, Solomon Burns, Thomas J. Burton, William Busch, Max Buschendor, Johns Bush, E Bushell, Thomas Busta, Luis Busto Fernando Butler, Fred Butler, John Butler, Peter Butter, Otto H. Butterworth, William J Butts, Roland Byarsano? Victor Byman, [Jahvis] Bynem, G Byone, John H. Cadagi, Anthony Cadero, Manuel Cafferty A Cafferty, A Cafferty, A Cahil, John Calauhaun, Alex Calavacci, A Caldsett? M. Calem, Anton Calia, Antonio Callahan, Hugh Callamore, Sanders? Callaway, Robert W Callett? Callius, G Calva, Ted Camden, Wiliam? Cameron, M Cameron, M Cammillan, C. A. Campbell, Edward James Campbell, James Campbell, James Campbell, James H. Campbell, John Campbell, Mandley M. Campbell, Russell Campbell, S Campbell, Thomas J Campbell, Timothy Candido, Conceco? Cannery?, Philip Cannon, Ernest Cannon, Troy Canonizado, R. Cantasami, Thomas Canula, John? Capen, Bernard Caper, E. H. Capke, Herman Capo? Anthony Cappensen, Peter Carballiera, Anbus Carballiera, Manuel Carbett, Thomas Cardelli, Albert Cardenas, Feline? Cardero, L Caresi? W Carew, hugh Carey, F Carey, Thomas J Carli, Vincent Carlos, Thomas Carlson, Axel Carlson, Charley Carlson, Emil Carlson, Frank G. Carlson, Fredrick Carlson, Gust Carlson, Gusta H. Carlson, John Carlson, Lillian? Carlson, M Carlson, Robert Carlsson, ? Carlton, John J. Carly, Arthur Carmero, Henry Carmichael, James Carmoday? Rosie Carney, Arthur S. Carnole Lester L Caroll, Thomas Carr? James Carrera Manuel Carrion, Julio Carro, Antonio Cars, Carl Carson, Floyd Carter, Arthur J Carter, J Carter, Marvin Cartwright W Carvalhos, Fernando Carvallo, Manuel Caryro, Baldomero Casal, Emilio Casal, Juan Caserie, Jose Casey, John Casey, W Casker, John Cass, Albert Cass, Jacob Cassell, James Cassey P Cassidy, A Cassidy, Frank Castillo, Juliiv? Castinero, Pasqualelo Castro Jose Castro, German Catano, Peter Catel, M Catos? Cort Caulson, John R. Caurfray? D Causter? William E Cayer, Samuel Cayhue, Roy Cayle, Jame Cedar Grove Cemetery Seamen's Church Institute Cehane, Edward L. Ceoleman? James E Chaffee, Joseph Chambers, Sidney H Chambers? Champagne, E Chandia? Francisco Chao Magin Chapman, Francis Chapolk, Nicasu Charlebois, Albert Charleston Charlton, M Chavonalle, Roger Cheney William Cheney, Edward Chernis? John Cherry, Lowell Chester, Fred Childgaard Raymond Chindola, Joseph F. Chipchase? John Choistinosa, Ford? Chris Svendsen at 241 Water Street Exhibit Gallery Seamen's Church Institute 1993-2010 Chrisofferson, Albert Christenson, C Christian Christiansen, Christian Christiansen, Joseph Christiansen, Theodore Christianson? Christianson? Christie, Donald Christiensen, Edward Christiensen, Nick Christiensen, Oswald Christle, Michael Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 1 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 10 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 11 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 12 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 13 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 14 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 15 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 16 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 17 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 18 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 19 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 20 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 21 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 22 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 23 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 24 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 3 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 4 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 5 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 6 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 7 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, Michael - Clip 8 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christle, MIchael - Clip 9 Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 2014 June 24 Christopher, Williams Chuna? Da Antone Churcha, De Evarito? Ciangleth, Angelo Cimela, M Ciprioni, Vincenzo Cirina, Sal Clach, George Clancy, Patrick Clansen, Alfred Clare, William A. Clarence G. Michalis Seamen's Church Institute Clarinda, Antono Clark, Alfred Clark, D Clark, Edward Clark, George Clark, John Clark, John Clark, Leroy Franklin Clark, R.M. Clark, Raymond Clark, Thomas Clark, Vernon Classen M Clausen, George Clavero, Pedro Clayton S Cleanland, Roy Cleary, William Clennick? Philip Cleworth, James Clifford, Daniel F. Clifford, Oakes H. Cliflickbie, Julien D. Clinton, Eric Close, William Clune Clymer, Eden Cobbett, A Cochrane, Edward Coen, E Coen, E Coenties Slip Visitors' Book 1858-1859 Remington, Rev. E. F. 1858-1882 Coenties Slip Visitors' Book 1860-1861 Walker, Rev. Robert J. 1860-1861 Coenties Slip Visitors' Book 1861-1864 Walker, Rev. Robert J. 1861-1864 Coenties Slip Visitors' Book 1864-1866 Remington, Rev. E. F. 1864-1866 Coenties Slip Visitors' Book 1871-1875 Walker, Rev. Robert J. 1871-1875 Coenties Slip Visitors' Book 1875-1878 Maguire, Rev. Isaac 1875-1878 Coenties Slip Visitors' Book 1878-1882 Maguire, Rev. Isaac; 1878-1882 Coffey, John J Cohen J Cohen, Bennett Cohen, Bernard Cohen, Harry Cohen, Harry Cohen, Herman Cohen, herman J. Cohen, Joseph Colberg, William